Saturday, January 31, 2009
1 month!
Today is the last day of January which marks one full month of pictures for me! I wish I had something more monumental to show for the culmunation of a month, however, I have a light pole for ya. This is at the Shops at Briargate, and I thought it was interesting, because I've walked past this for over 3 months and never noticed it. I'm looking forward to another 11 months!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Dancing Time!
My 14 year old Sister-In-Law, Audrey, is a Freshman at Palmer High School. Tonight was their MORP dance where the Girls are supposed to ask the guys. Abbey and I thought it would be fun to drive by and take a picture. I happened to capture a group of teens walking by and was able to get a little bit of blur which I thought was cool. Audrey's in that building somewhere! I'm sure she'd be mortified to know we were right outside, so we'll see how long it takes for her to see this picture!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Today I took a drive on my lunch hour and the road dead-ended here. I hopped out and snapped a couple shots of these dirt and rock piles that were bigger than the houses behind them. I thought it was a cool moment to capture before it's all been relocated to it's willed place and homes built on top of it. I think it shows a contrast of a man made pile of something natural, that still prevails over the size of the man-made houses. Have I mentioned to go rent Manufactured Landscapes????

Natural Stone
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Day 3, No eating.
Today is the third day I've been on The Master Cleanser. I'm starting to really feel my body cleansing and I'm feeling much less dependent on food! It's amazing how habitual it is to eat, even when we're not hungry. That's the biggest realization I've come to so far. I decided to make dinner for Abbey tonight to see what it's like after not touching food for 3 days. I made sauteed onions and carrots served over steamed Kale with a white wine garlic olive oil sauce. I also made a batch of sweet potato fries. Smelt delicious, though I didn't really have a desire to eat it except for the fact that it smelt good. I was surprised at how much I really just wanted to stuff my face out of convenience or habit rather than necessity.
Olive Oil,
Sweet Potato Fries,
The Master Cleanser
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I had fun today trying different pictures. The first one is a reflection from a lens at work of the lights on the ceiling. I was fascinated by the reflection and watching the lens change as I zoomed in and out. The second picture was an experiment of taking a picture of something through another camera's viewfinder. I had also tried to focus in on an image through the viewfinder and also capture my reflection off of the LCD screen but it didn't work so well...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lemonade Time
Today I started The Master Cleanser, also known as The Lemonade Diet. A couple friends from work are also doing it with me, and their Moms too! I however, am alone in the house of doing this cleanse. I did this about 2 years ago with Abbey before our wedding. The thing I love about it so much, is that it makes one reevaluate the relationship they have to food. For instance, all day I've just been wanting to eat. I haven't been hungry, I just wanted to eat. This is a good opportunity for me to see what I've learned from the last time I did this, to now. This should be fun. I'll keep you Posted. For more information, check out
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Baby it's Cold Outside!
On my way to my car this evening I saw a balloon on the ground next to my car. I was intrigued that it was just sitting there even though the wind was blowing. I was surprised when I found it frozen to the parking lot! It's really just a bizarre/weird/interesting thing that I had never seen before. You can see the ice frozen to the ballon.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Garlic Rocks!
We have some friends that used to be in the Garlic Butter business. They are reopening and had us over for a taste testing tonight of some Vegan Garlic Butter. I can't describe how incredible it was! It's late and I was tired from a day of climbing so I snapped a quick shot of this delectable creation. This stuff is unbelievable, it's good on bruschetta, pasta, sauteed veggies, in anything! I can't wait for them to be fully operational so you all can buy this stuff. Hands down, amazing. I'll post a link once the website is up! Fun fact: China produces over 23 billion pounds of Garlic every year! That's a lot of smelly breath! So here's to garlic:
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Mountains Disappeared!
Today I enjoyed watching the snow come in and hide the Mountains. Moments later, the mountains reappeared again. I thought I would try to catch a snowflake and snow the mountains gone.

Totally unrelated, but holding a baby is the best thing ever.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Birth & Death
I shoot with a Nikon D60 that I purchased from the Downtown Colorado Springs Shewmakers Camera Shop. That location is now closed. This week I heard their other location is closing as well. I drove by today to take a picture of the last store that's closing.
The picture represents a cycle of life, a business cycle. The store sold me the camera, I used the camera, I took a picture of the store, and now it's gone. I just thought it was interesting.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I took this picture in a Barnes & Noble Parking lot while I was waiting for it to open this morning. I was initially intrigued with the lines of the parking spots intersecting with the light pole, then I noticed the oil from leaking automobiles on the parking lot of the shopping center. The central theme of all of this was artificial, man-made landscape. It reminded me of the documentary, 'Manufactured Landscapes'. For those of you who haven't seen it, rent it, now, not later, it's worth it.
Barnes and Noble,
Manufactured Landscapes,
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A New America
Today I went to Starbucks and they were celebrating the Inauguration. On my sleeve was a quote from Lincoln's Inaugural Speech:
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
Underneath the sleeve was a quote from Yo-Yo Ma, who performed today.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Last night when I was driving home I saw a cool piece of art, graffiti to be exact, on the side of a building in the Depot Art District. I went back this morning to check it out. The art was obviously there by permission being an art building. I'm hoping to do a series of graffiti in Colorado Springs, in which I'll include this piece.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Golfing, Colorado Style
I am planning on golfing tomorrow with some co-workers but on a whim I decided to hop down to the golf course, Patty Jewett, a half mile away. I haven't golfed since we've moved here and the scenery was amazing! It was 58 degrees but the ground was frozen and a few holes we couldn't get the tees in. The frozen Sand Bunker was interesting too. So here's to Colorado Golfing in the middle of January! You can see Pikes Peak in the background as well as Garden of the Gods on the lower right.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Popcorn is delicious, nutritious, and amusing. It makes a fun noise when it pops and expands rapidly, which is pleasing to the eye. Go eat some popcorn.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I work across the highway from the Air Force Academy and see planes all day long. I decided during lunch today that I would photograph some of them. I took pictures of gliders, Cessnas, and larger twin engine planes full of parachuters. I also took pictures of the parachuters as they descended.
So in honor of the pilot who landed a plane in a river (an Air Force Graduate) I've posted a picture of an airplane!
This was just for fun on the way home from work.

Air Force Academy,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Self Portrait
So I searched all day when I wasn't at work for something interesting to shoot. I guess my creativity today wasn't on top of it's game. I was listening to the Fire & EMS Scanner for El Paso County tonight (which is what this picture is of) and I went to see a fire near Colorado College. However it was pretty much over by the time I got there. One fire truck was already leaving so I headed home. There was a rather large fire going on a few minutes ago, however I didn't want to get a second strike for the evening, since it was about 15-20 minutes away and I don't have a mobile digital scanner yet. So here's an accurate portrayal of what I did tonight!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bicycle Accident
Bicycle Accident at Nevada & Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, CO

The Colorado Springs Fire Department has a new bicycle, and a 54 year old man had an expensive ride to the hospital this evening.
Around 5:40 PM on January 14th, 2009, a 54 year old male was riding his bicycle southbound on Nevada Avenue. Approximately 15 yards from the intersection at Pikes Peak, he fell from his bicycle after riding over a recessed manhold cover, reported Lieutenant David Broch of the CSFD. Police aren't investigating any possibility of a hit an run as the victim said it was an accidental fall. None of the bystanders that were on scene saw the event take place. The 54 year old was taken to the hospital in ambulance. The victim remained unnamed however his bicycle was taken by Engine NO. 1 until he is able to retrieve it.

All photos were shot on scene by Preston Stohs.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cabin Fever
I injured my foot yesterday so I was stationary today in our house while I'm healing. I was able to get a nice pictuer of the stars with some powerlines in them(couldn't see them in the dark)! I was going to retake the shot and try to avoid the powerlines but I thought it looked kinda cool to have something stationary and something in movement. This was shot at 10 minutes and 2 seconds. There was a ton of traffic driving by giving some nice red light to the shot...blah.
Monday, January 12, 2009
My First Event
Tonight was awesome! I've been carrying my camera EVERYWHERE for the last two weeks waiting for an event or something to happen where I would need it immediately. Tonight that happened. We were dining at 'The Mate Factor' in Manitou Springs, CO celebrating Abbey's Dad's birthday. The Mate Factor is part of (The Twelve Tribes) community. As we were getting ready to leave, many people from the community came pouring in and we were told that a young man, Andrew, was going to be baptised outside in the creek (Yes, outside, in January, in the freezing water). I knew this was what I had been waiting for! I quickly grabbed my camera with permission and hurried to try to get the appropriate settings for the shot. I was somewhat unsuccessful in this because the Baptism took place in a different place than anticipated and I had to move and arrived 2 seconds before the event was over. I quickly got a shot of Andrew standing with two of his peers in the water and then captured a quick motion shot of him being completely submerged in the creek! The second picture as you can see didn't capture it quick enough. Enlarge this photo and you can see the motion of the whole event including Andrew submerged! I intend to have an interview with either someone from the community about their belief system, the baptism, and hopefully some comments from Andrew (who was immediately wrapped in blankets and escorted into a waiting vehicle, also I strained my left foot today so I was in excruciating pain throughout the whole experience and had enough in me for the shots and no follow-up). Expect that in the next week and I will let you know when it's available!
Right Before the Baptism:

Click on the Photo Below to Enlarge and focus in on the Dunking!

Thank you Mate Factor for letting me observe this Sacred Event!
Right Before the Baptism:
Click on the Photo Below to Enlarge and focus in on the Dunking!
Thank you Mate Factor for letting me observe this Sacred Event!
Manitou Springs,
The Mate Factor,
Twelve Tribes
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Tourists are Funny
In the Spring and Summer, Colorado Springs becomes a total Tourist Attraction. You know it's tourist season when everywhere you drive, there are people hanging out of their vehicles while they drive taking pictures of the mountains, Garden of the Gods, or signs that say Colorado.
I was laughing on my way to work today thinking about that and decided I would take one as well to see what it felt like.
The result, a sloppy picture of Pikes Peak that left me feeling cheezy. It was fun though, I suggest you try it next time you're driving anywhere! (I'm not responsible for your driving!)
This picture is dedicated to Tourists Everywhere!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Brightest Moon and A Nudist Colony

Today is the projected day that the moon will be the brightest in 2009. Tonight marked the Moon/Earth Perigee of 2009. At it's peak, it'll be 31,000 miles away. I missed getting to see it at sunset which is when it would have appeared 14% larger and 30% brighter (from NASA). So here is the not so big and bright moon that Native Americans call the 'Wolf Moon' in the month of January.

After work this evening I ran into a Nudist gathering two doors down from the Studio. I've never photographed 40 nude people before...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wishing for a Snow Night
I'm dreaming of a night where it will be snowing and i'm not working! So here's to that hopeful night that i'm hoping will come soon. I hope to be putting another snow night picture that's at a whole new level soon, here's a quick snapshot. (And I just realized I posted the Low-Resolution star picture and I shot in Raw tonight so this is a basic jpeg as well. Once the Raw file is converted I'll switch it!)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A New Toy!

Today I received my remote for long exposures. It enables me to do up to 30 minute exposures with my camera. Abbey and I hopped down to the park a few blocks away and dance in the moonlight during the exposures. Here's one of the long exposures shot at 4 min and 13.5 seconds. You can start to see how the earth is rotating as the stars have a trail.
I have some settings to work on and then we should be seeing some really cool stuff once I get it.
Don't forget you can click on an image to see it larger.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Today I was taking a stroll during lunch and I was greeted by an awful stinch. I followed my nose to this lovely site: A grease dumpster without it's lid on. A look inside showed the normal used frier oil, and animal fat from cooking. As an added bonus however, a large chunk of lard right in the middle which was also all over the sides and outside of the dumpster.
On a 'lighter' note, I also found the world's smallest fire lane:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Everything is Temporary
Today while I was working at the Studio, I glimpsed out the window to see the incredible sunset. That's a total benefit to being able to see the mountains all day, I get to see them change from hour to hour, from minute to minute, and in the evening from second to second.
Coming from Kansas, I miss seeing some of the best sunsets. However the sunsets here are growing on me and I'm learning to appreciate their beauty as well! So here's a picture of the sunset tonight, which was literally completely gone about 3 minutes later.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Patience is a Virtue
Below is a Passion Flower. I gave this incredibly intricate plant to Abbey six months ago. At first it had several buds about to bloom, and then they all fell off without blooming and leaving us perplexed, saddened, and feeling like the worst plant parents, ever.
Six months later (today to be specific) we were gifted this beautiful bloom that happened between 8:30 this morning and Noon. This was such a refreshing sight to see as everything outside is covered in snow. This picture doesn't do it justice, yet another push to work on my photography!
Six months later (today to be specific) we were gifted this beautiful bloom that happened between 8:30 this morning and Noon. This was such a refreshing sight to see as everything outside is covered in snow. This picture doesn't do it justice, yet another push to work on my photography!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The snow today was amazing. It consisted of a couple of inches of dry, dry, snow that sparkled so incredibly! Abbey and I were taking care of a cat this weekend for our friends and this shot came from their front steps.
Part of me doing this year long project is to track my progress in photography and to also start experimenting with different types of photography such as no-flash, and low-light. This picture is one of those.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Gloomy Day
Today I didn't commit the time to photography that I would have liked to. The day started sunny and brisk and then became cloudy, cold, and finally snow. I managed to take an interesting picture of this transition. Once again, not my ideal photo of the day but I am happy that I still have at least one to post.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Mountains Cult Following

In the spirit of yesterday's photo, I decided today to get 'the other persons' point of view' and take a picture looking up at the mountains. Today's Photo is From the local Panera Bread, placed within view of the mountains.
If the mountains weren't here, I wonder if anybody else would be. What makes people choose to live somewhere? I think about Western Kansas and I wonder why someone chose to live there instead of Kansas City, or instead of Colorado Springs.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Years Day
This is the first Post.
Each day a new picture from the day will be uploaded. This is more or less a journal of my year in 2009 and a commitment to myself to spend more time with my photography!
This picture was taken from Waldo Canyon in Colorado Springs, CO.
The idea behind this picture came from a Hike in the mountains. I found it interesting we've built this city right next to the mountains. It's almost as if we're 'groupies' of the mountains and we follow them wherever they go! I like the contrast of the foreground in the mountains, the middleground as a concrete jungle, and the background as an open plain stretching all the way into Kansas.
new years day,
waldo canyon
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