Popcorn is fascinating. I've often wondered about who figured out that you can heat up the little kernels and they turn out the way they do. According to the good ol' trusty Wikipedia.org, Native Americans originally discovered popcorn. Popcorn also became a thriving food during the great depression when it was sold for 5-10 cents a bag. Most corn is grown in Nebraska. Popcorn finally pops once it reaches 356 degrees Fahrenheit and a PSI of 135. And to end the fun facts: The world's largest popcorn ball was unveiled in October 2006 in Lake Forest, Illinois. It weighed 3,415 pounds , measured 8 feet in diameter, and had a circumference of 24.6 feet.
Popcorn is delicious, nutritious, and amusing. It makes a fun noise when it pops and expands rapidly, which is pleasing to the eye. Go eat some popcorn.
I like the placement of the curve of the plate!