Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Forgotten Penny

This photo was a blessing to find today. I didn't know it until about 2 minutes ago when I looked at it again to see what I could learn from it. This penny was in a fountain near my job. All of the money inside these now empty fountains, is donated to local charities. These have been empty for months now, except for the occasional snow. However, this green penny, weather worn from rain and snow, has remained here, forgotten and left to stay. I'm reminded of how many times we do something either for the heck of it or for an important cause and it goes forgotten. The intention of this penny we will never know. It may have been a little kid wanting to throw something in the water, a business person not wanting change in their pockets, or who knows it may have been somebody making a wish, or someone who saw the donation sign and wanted to be in the flow of giving and receiving. We just never know where our energy will go and where it will end up, somebody could receive it, or it may stay aging at the bottom of a pool. Either way, I was given a great reminder by this little penny: I can't control the outcome of what I try to do, but If I do it anyway, it may do even greater things that had nothing to do with what I had originally planned.
Wow, that's a lot or words all about a penny. Fun Fact: Today the 'Cent' is 97.5% Zinc with a 2.5% Copper Plating, Lincoln has been on the penny since 1909, and this year there will be four different backs to the penny, so be looking for those.

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