Thursday, June 4, 2009

50mm Day

So I've been thinking about getting a 50mm Prime/Standard/Normal lens. A prime/standard/normal lens is a fixed focal length lens that doesn't zoom in or out, it stays the same. This idea is a little scary for me because I've only ever used zoom lenses. So to get myself used to the idea, today I shot a dozen pictures, all at 50mm. Here are a few different ones that show the varying perspective that can still be captured at a fixed focal length. For instance, I was only a couple feet away from the tires while I was driving, but nearly 15-20 feet from the power lines (I had to lay on the ground to get everything in the frame. And the checkerboard is an example of still being able to be close-up as well as the bandaid and banana sticker picture.
The benefit to a prime lens over a zoom lens is simply quality. Lenses with less moving parts are less costly to manufacture, therefore putting the most money into the components inside instead of moving parts. A prime lens in general allows the photographer to shoot 'faster'(at a higher shutter speed) in lower light conditions. Which is ideal for portraits, night photography, and places where you can't use flash and still need to have a handheld shot. Also quality is substantially better in the final image and a lot more can be done with the depth of field.

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